Sunday, June 5, 2011

Emotional Contentedness Meter

As an experiment during my time abroad, I plan on cataloging my duly named "emotional contentedness" on a scale of 1 to 100. Each day that I fill out a blog post, I will try to insert the meter you see below which displays my current level of emotional satisfaction. My goal is to keep you, my readers, in tune with my feelings, but also to be able to create a chart at the end of these ten months abroad which shows my average emotional contentedness per week throughout the duration of my study aborad experience. I am told to expect a high, then a super low (as I become homesick or fed up with the new culture, then I will level out again. Finally, upon my return to the United States I will have reverse culture shock which will start very briefly with excitement for being home, followed by aggravation, caused by my inability to "fit in", or my want of friends left behind. Anyway, we'll see if all goes according to plan. Also, I added my parents and my husband to my "e-mailed when I post list", so they should all be reading this post.

Today I marked my EC as 90, because I am excited about study abroad, I got a good amount of apartment packing done, and I feel like my applications and general paperwork are in fairly good array. A little below perfect because I am sweltering hot yet the sun hasn't shown in days and I am waiting to hear back from my advisor about the status of some documents - so I suppose there is a little anxiety.

1 comment:

  1. That's some excellent formatting! Great choice on background styles as well ;)
