I just thought that everyone would like to know that I am only just now actually receiving information regarding finalizing my payment into the Sécu (the French Social Security) and getting my card that represents my medical coverage. I would guess that I should have everything worked out within the next two weeks, but either way that means that I will have spent at least 3 MONTHS in France before their paperwork-bogged government could work out processing my payment and providing me with my proof of coverage. I suppose that it is all for the better that I haven't fallen seriously sick and had to deal with who knows how much more paperwork if you show up without the card.... Oh I do not even want to think about it. I would probably die of my appendicitis before they could finish having me sign all the necessary documents. Now, on the bright side, it should prolly only cost me three and a half trees to claim my health benefits if I go to the doctor. How fantastic!
Also, it looks like there will be a little bit of a complication with David and I and leaving my shipping container because they are so crazy about what all has to be done. I have to write like 3 different letters to all the different places informing them that I will be leaving on "such and such a date" at "such and such a time" and it is looking like I will need to find a representative to stand in for me for the last evaluation of the "state of housing".... Anyway, I will keep you updated as things continue.
Finally, I am going to be spending Saturday in London, (WOOT) because through a group sponsored through the school that one of my friends participated in, I can go there round-trip for the day for 29E!! Pretty undeniably awesome price, and I am excited because I have never been to England at all, so might as well see London once while I am so close!
Ok, well I am going to get some homework done so that I more merit the little vacation that I am going to get to take this weekend. Keep enjoying Thanksgiving all y'all Americans!
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