I am happy to bring you the news that I was placed into the top group for my course of FLE perfectionnement. I have the class this Thursday and I am excited to see how it goes, I am hoping for a nice high level of challenging exercises well geared toward my level. But we'll see.
Other than that nothing too exciting is going on, I had my three-hour Supply Chain class this morning, and it wasn't completely horrible so I'll probably stick it out for the semester. Tomorrow I have my Translation class (By the way, have I mentioned how bad I am at this? Apparently I just read French and understand what it is saying, but with the exception of very simple sentences I have a lot of difficulty finding the perfect English word/phrase to replace the French ones, and it is made even more difficult because it is an actual translation course so there are so many rules to follow and I have officially discovered that I am more of a practical user of French - just read and understand not read and translate. And to finish off my very large parenthetical statement I will add however that I think it is probably good for my French to have to take the time to translate because the analysis of the meaning goes deeper when you have to put it into words in a different language. ) Then I have Modern Grammar which is extremely difficult but thrilling (I love this stuff), then 18th century literature (kill me now, but a necessary course so that I can make sure that I get all the needed transfer credit back home) and then a different course called FLE perfectionnement which is specifically for the non-native French speakers of my License (CMI = Commerce et Management International = Commerce and International Management in English, in case you wondered.) so I will go to its class tomorrow evening, but if it isn't very good, or whatever, I'll probably just stick with the other one on Thursday. Tomorrow will be a little tough because those last three courses are all two hours each and are back to back to back. So 6 straight hours. But at least, with the exception of the literature course, they will be interesting.
David and I had mussels again for dinner - fantastic!!
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