Saturday, May 19, 2012

Leaving Preparations - 4 Days and Counting

Well, time is certainly flying during the last week that David and I will spend in Chambéry. Yesterday was our "official packing day try 1" which ended up being so successful that most likely we will keep everything the way it is now packed. Here is a picture of the process:

This is our bed, covered with our two suitcases, two duffels, and two backpacks as we tried various packing combinations. The good news is, we did it! Everything fit, including two bottles of our favorite red wine that we are bringing back for special occasions in the US. However, it was no easy feat. We also aren't sure if our bags are under the weight limit, but we'll soon know. (We already have it planned to do a last-minute switch around if necessary so we packed some of our heavy items right near the top of the suitcases so that they could be easily removed and placed in other bags.) 

The other big news is that I finished my make-up project for my Le Havre class. Actually, I finished it Thursday afternoon, after a lot, lot, lot of hard work and many hours typing on the computer, but I haven't turned it in yet because I don't want my teacher to think that I only spent three days on her project. Even though I feel I did a very thorough job, I don't feel that three days of work gives that impression. So I have decided to hold onto the project until Monday, and then I will send it to her. We can hope that I will pass this time. I am not sure if I will, because technically she asked me to repeat the same project that my group had already done (and failed) without giving me new specifications - I just love France and their lack of syllabuses - so I just did the project a little differently, and more thoroughly in certain areas. Actually, I took a different class this semester that really helped me with the analysis that I did for this project, so I think I should be good. But it is so hard to tell with no syllabus. All I know is that she said between 8-15 pages would certainly be good, and I have 15 pages, so hopefully I responded to her expectations. But we will soon know.... I'll keep you updated.

Other than that David and I are off to enjoy our LAST weekend in our apartment.... AHHHHH! I truly can't believe it!

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