Party for the foreign students with the tutors today! It is always so fun that they invite us out because obviously we are not their best friends but they do such a good job of including us in their social activities. The cost of admission to the party was a bottle of wine which here in France could be a little as 1.5 Euros or maybe 4 Euros if you find a really really really expensive bottle. What is amazing is that the 2-3 Euro bottles are actually quite nice and pleasantly flavored table wines. I decided on a nice white wine at 2.56. Actually just a freaky France fact: I bought new bread, nutella, pasta, pre-made pesto sauce, and three bottles of wine and spent 11.90... nice. Though I will admit that one of those bottles was for cooking the mussels that I am so addicted to and only cost 1.28, lol.
Barbie arm update: still holding strong and maintaining a strong presence in the middle of the sidewalk. Haha. However, I think the doll head has disappeared so that fun was brought to a quick end.
Also, I decided to drop the statistics class because I just could not justify 3 hours of class on a Saturday. Especially last night when I was thinking about having to get up early another morning when I was so exhausted after a full week of 8am classes in a foreign language. I was especially vindicated when I looked up tentative class lists for Savoie and I and found out that they do offer a stats class while I am out there. So I will just try to work that one into my schedule instead, and if it is on a Saturday then I just know that I doomed. By removing stats from my schedule my timetable is much more palpable. I have an 8am class Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, but on Wednesday I do not have to be into uni (this is what all of the English/ Scottish/ Irish students say for "university" and it is starting to stick for me too) until 13:00 so I will get to sleep in, and on Saturday I have no obligation except the open-air market!
I love France! I hate the weather in Le Havre. As usual it was cold, windy, and rainy all day today meaning that all of our walking about was miserable. Either way I am still happy so today is still a 100.
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