Today marks my third week in France and consequently Le Havre (and of course the ever-so-pertinent existence of Barbie's arm on the sidewalk...) so in one more week that will mark one month which I feel is a very big benchmark. Today's post is going to be a bit smaller than the others of late because I am quite ill with my cold and I have, as usual, an 8am lecture to attend tomorrow morning. Unfortunately I never got around to studying what exactly my topic means in the class either so I guess that is what I will have to do during class if he gives us the class time to start working on our presentations.
In terms of class today I literally just went to the world's WORST lecture ever for Chinese civilization. I kid you not the professor read for a straight hour-and-a-half her prepared history material, chalk full of dates and Chinese names, at a quick pace without stopping for that entire chunk of time. I mean, how does that even constitute as educating? And believe it or not she even managed to make it one step worse by constantly interrupting herself mid-sentence to comment on a particular thought, or happening, or name, or similar occurrence etc etc, and then I don't think she would ever really finish the sentence, so my notes are a complete disaster because I would start a sentence...... and it just never got completed. It was so bad that my French friend Margot who was sitting next to me even had difficulty following her speed with all the dates, Chinese and tangent interruptions. Needless to say I basically had to copy all of her notes because I simply couldn't keep up, and this is the first time that has ever happened to me. By the time I would actually figure out the date that she had just said, she had already finished telling us what had happened at that time and was on to the next one which I would also have to decode. Fin, bref. Either way, next week I am going to arrive ready for my hour-and-a-half battle.
Finally, I just thought that I would say that the weather was actually quite nice today - sunny, not windy, and decently warmish. Though I must say that I entirely blame the good weather for the excursion of the mosquitoes to which I owe five new mosquito bites.... grrr.
Anyway, off to sleep for me! I only have 7 hours left... ahhhhh!
Bahahah I can't believe you just said 'bref'! My history professor in Nantes would read a paragraph from his notes then look up and say "Bref!" then conclude his thoughts with an unscripted sentence. It is literally the only thing I remember from the class other than his baldness, glasses and horribly outdated overhead projector outlines.