Thursday, June 7, 2012

(Way too much) Fun in the Sun!

David and I had a splendid day in Barcelona yesterday. We found the beach and enjoyed almost 4 hours of relaxation and tanning. The weather was perfect; sunny, but quite breezy so you were kept cool, and best of all neither of us got sunburned thanks to our sunscreen! After our beach time we walked for a while through the Park of Montjuic wherein is located an old fort which was used not only historically but even in WWII. That was really fun to see, the only problem was that it is situated on top of a big hill overlooking the city so we were kind of tired by the time we had reached the fort. Today we think we will do less walking and give ourselves a break from touring... so we're just going to spend more time on the beach!

Here are some pictures of Barcelona for your viewing pleasure:

View of Spain and it's northern beaches from the airplane. This made David and I really excited to arrive and get to the beach!

This magnificent monument is unfortunately an art museum, which does not interest neither David not I. However, I like taking pictures of it and its impressive facade from the outside. This is about a 16-20 minute walk from where we are staying in the city.

This is a sand sculpture (actually it is an advertisement promotional thing for the Vienna orchestra) but we found it quite amazing. This is at the entrance to our beach.

David and I on the beach. We'll get some pictures with our whole bodies at a later date.

This is our arrival at the fortress on the hill. This is not the best picture, but I think you probably get the idea. It was an impressive area to explore, and it's really enormous! It is called the Castell de Montjuic and entrance is free because it is considered to belong to the people of Barcelona. Quite cool.

This is the view over the city from the fort. You can see the art museum at the bottom left. 

Here is David firing the inert WWII "Naval gun" as David just informed me this should be called. Of course he found the weaponry of the fort to be quite exciting. 

David and I up one of the walls of the fort. Don't worry about us falling off though, those walls are about 6 feet thick!! Overall, it was a successful day of tourism in Barcelona.

On a different topic, before I end my blog post for today, I wanted to let you all know that my Analyse de Données professor got back to me yesterday and my make-up assignment was a success! I got a 12.5 meaning that I more than passed the class and I will now be able to use it as transfer credit back at Miami. I am very, very excited that all my effort paid off, writing that 15 page paper in 3 days. Now I just have to see how long it actually takes Miami to get my final grades from Le Havre. At this rate I think possible Miami will receive my grades from both semesters at the same time. Way to go France.

Finally, I do not know if you, my avid readers, have noticed, but David and I would like to inform you that we have a little under three weeks left until we are back in the United States!!! Wow! We can't believe it! Of course we are excited, I can't wait to see my family (which includes my cats) again, eat like an American, and stop living out of my suitcase, but I can already feel that the reverse culture shock is going to be difficult to deal with. A lot changes when you live abroad for such an extended period of time. y'a But for now, I am still mostly excited, though also sad, that my time in Europe is almost over, and yet that I am almost HOME!

See y'all in 19 days.

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