Preparation for Going Abroad Questionnaire

If you are lucky enough to have someone to contact (in particular a student who has already studied abroad at your institution) before you leave for your placement, then definitely take advantage! However, maybe you are unsure about what kinds of questions to ask? I recently got contacted by someone who is coming to study abroad at Le Havre next semester, and I thought that she did a great job of putting together a good set of questions to which she wanted responses. With her permission, I have included the questions and responses here so that you can read them and get your own ideas for your study abroad questionnaire. On that note, however, I did notice that she didn't ask much about class registration, which could be a good topic for discussion before going abroad.

For your viewing pleasure:

Again, sorry that this program doesn't let me just attach documents because that would be a lot easier. However, if you click on the pictures above they should get big enough that you can read what they say. And of course, good luck in preparing for your studies abroad!!