Friday, January 13, 2012

We have internet people! I can get started on my blog posts...

This blog is to let you all know that David and I finally have internet. I am not at a fast-food restaurant, but in the comfort of my own apartment, which is not a shipping container, as I write you this update. I think I will write for you three different blog entries, one about Bessans, France and New Years with the Fabbro Family, one about David and I's arrival in Chambéry, and this one which is about our current situation. Here goes:

First off, I am sure you are all dying of excitement but I haven't yet taken the time to take pictures of the inside of our apartment and upload them to my computer. I have been way too busy trying to fix the no internet problem, and getting David started into his classes and now trying to organize my own classes, BUT I will get some pictures up so don't worry.

Let's start with the most notable point of my day. So David and I had our appointment set with the internet guy between 8-10am. Now today David didn't have class until 9:30 (usually it is 9) so today we didn't have to get up until 8. I told David last night, maybe we should get up at 7:50 just in case the dude actually showed up  at 8 and we would be in our pajamas and that would be weird. He just responded that this was France and we probably didn't have to expect him until noon. Well, I am proud to announce that David was right. The guy called me at 9:55 and informed me that he was sorry but he was running late and wouldn't be able to arrive until 11. I had an appointment at 10:30 with my fellow ISEP students to attempt to do some class research, so I had to cancel that so that I could continue to wait for this fellow. So he promptly shows up at 11:31, great. He arrived and then dared to ask me if I was in a rush. Lol, I was in a rush 2 hours ago but at this point, just take you time and let's make sure that the internet works. Anyway, he was a nice internet-installer, but I was just mad that all my plans were ruined because of his failure to arrive between the specified hours. And I was the first time block! Can you imagine the rest of the day.... haha

So then, my classes. I had my orientation meeting on Thursday, yesterday, which really wasn't that helpful, though they at least tried, given that I didn't even have a meeting when I arrived at Le Havre. The only useful information I learned is that my classes start on Monday, even though I have been given no way to know what classes I want to take or when those classes meet, or what domain I need to inscribe in. Fantastic. In fact, we do our inscription on Tuesday. Yes folks, my classes start Monday. I love France.

Ok, well David and I are going off to Le Clerc, our local grocery store, so that we can eat dinner, and then I will do my other two posts. Love to everyone!!!!

I figure it might be better as a 90 because of the stress of this whole not knowing what to do about my classes thing, but I am really really really really happy to have the internet and I really like being in Chambéry, it is really pretty here.

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