Saturday, December 3, 2011

Another day in the Le Havre

Well it rained all day today. Absolutely all stinking day. Also I didn't get as much homework done as I wanted mostly because Tam has my notebook and I was too lazy to go over an get it. So I only did Chinese even though my Chinese exam isn't until next week. Oh well, I guess that is what tomorrow is for.

Tday was a bit of a bummer because there was a soiree that I really wanted to go to with my friends but it was far away and I could find no one to be my walk back and forth. It is definitely a bummer having a housing placement so so so far away from the center of the action. David and I's placement next semester is also a twenty minute walk from campus, but I don't mind as long as though twenty minutes are in the direction of the centre ville. Because here I am 25 minutes from campus and then another 20 from the closest parts of the down town area. So basically around 45 minutes to an hour one way for me to meet up with my friends. And it is only a 5 minute drive.And the buses in Le Havre don't run past 8 usually, which is before soirees even begin. The "night lines" run until 10... still not that great. Oh well, just saying that it would have been fun, especially because I have nothing else to do.

By the way, David arrives in France in 13 days!!! That is exciting for the both of us I should think. (=

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